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How Basic Sheet Music Can Make A Great Musician Out Of You

By Robert Gray

If you are the kind of person who tends to push yourself too hard and start way too difficult, you might want to take it easy on learning how to sightread. This is because it might lead to a very difficult first lesson. It is best to start off with basic sheet music.

One of the most important things that you can tell yourself as you are trying to learn this type of thing is to not give up. It is so easy to quit just after a few days of practice because it seems like it's never going to get any easier. You just have to push on through and do whatever it takes to not give up.

Sometimes you may have heard that practice makes perfect, and sometimes you might hear that said so many times that it just gets lost somewhere inside your head. The best thing you can do for yourself at that point is just sit down and really think about the words being said to you because they have a lot of truth behind them. You really cannot deny that it takes hours and hours of hard work to get better at anything difficult, and the only things that seem to be worth knowing how to do are the ones that have some challenges in store for you.

If you have never even heard of a time signature before, now is a great time to learn more about what it is and what it means. An easy way to explain it that doesn't take a lot of time or previous musical understanding is that it tells you how many beats are going to be in a measure, as well as how long each quarter note will be valued for. Most of the time, four-four time is what is used, also abbreviated to common time with a capital C, which means there are four beats in a measure, and a quarter note receives a count of one.

If you have never seen a key signature before, it might seem intimidating. The simplest songs have key signatures that aren't very difficult. It is important to learn about them though so you don't end up playing a wrong note.

Rhythm is a lot easier to get the hang of if you understand what note values are. If you are working with the simplest of songs, you will probably mostly only see half notes, whole notes, quarter notes, and maybe an eighth note here or there. Once you get the hang of these, your musical learning will go a lot faster.

If you're worried that you'll have to learn an entire alphabet of note names, you will probably be relieved to hear that it ends at G. Learning about the musical staff is the first place to begin with this. There are many helpful tricks to memorizing all of the note names on a staff.

You are likely to see different symbols in more complex musical pieces. You shouldn't have to worry about those if you are just learning the basics. At the most, you might see a few simple dynamics, maybe some accents, and a few sharps and flats.

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