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New Study Of Bot Fraud With 30 Top Advertisers Ongoing Right Now

By David John

The launch of this bot fraud study could be the starting point of a revolution in the digital advertising industry. This is very important if we believe various reports stating that 50% of all digital advertising expenditure is wasted with bot fraud. Although there's no solid evidence to support this figure, everybody in the industry agrees this type of fraud exists.

Since digital advertising has already reached about a quarter of all advertising expenditure, it makes sense to try to regulate it a bit more and to prevent and limit fraud as much as possible. There are reports that estimate bots account for as much as half of the expenditure. There's no confirmation for such statements and reports, but the phenomenon is worrisome in itself and it should be kept under strict control.

There is disagreement in the industry, with some of the major players calling the concern "disingenuous" and pandering with "scaremongering." Nevertheless, there is agreement that fraud does exist, and it is just a matter of how much exists.

This will determine more advertisers to become proactive in the fight for eradicating bot fraud. They need to understand the importance of taking all cautionary measures to protect their campaigns, because it's a matter of increasing their ROI at the end of the day. The less money you waste because of bots or other reasons, the more leads and conversions you'll get for the same budget. This is why the results of the study are of crucial importance for the industry. Everybody awaits the data and the conclusions which ANA promised to make public in the fourth quarter of this year.

With buying and selling ads becoming more and more automated, preventative measures against bot fraud are a must, if we want to keep this environment clean and trustworthy. Some order will be more than welcome, but let's wait and see what the study will conclude. This action is jointly led by three organizations, ANA, IAB and 4As and it aims at creating a digital supply chain as trustworthy as can be. It also wishes to motivate advertisers become more aware and more interested in fraud prevention methods, because it's their money that's getting stolen in the first place.

The study is going to take place during the month of August. It is handled by White Ops, a digital advertising security company. They are going to use Javascript tags to track all campaigns that participate in the study.

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