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How To Make Money In Advocare

By Ricardo Interpermian

Advocare Spark distributors: Are you devoted to creating a huge business? If that's the case, read this entire article right now.

If you seek to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

It's imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Promote Online

Marketing online is a powerful way to grow your Advocare Spark venture. Online marketing can create many benefits:

- Wide reach to a global audience

- The potential to attract large numbers of qualified leads

- The potential to automate your online marketing so you free up your time

- Marketing costs can be modest

Unsophisticated marketers in companies such as Advocare Spark generally rely on hype and spam. Get in on the pre-launch! You'll be amazed at our innovative comp. plan! You won't believe how great our products are! This type of stuff is just hype and spam.

Absolutely no one cares about your company, its products or your comp plan. Network marketers in companies such as Advocare Spark care about solving their critical business problems. Networkers want more traffic, leads and sales. They want their income to increase. They want more retention in their downline. Networkers want far higher levels of duplication in their business.

Concentrate your marketing on solving the challenges other networkers face. To give you some examples:

- Publish a blog that teaches network marketers how to increase retention.

- Create a video series that teaches how to solve duplication issues

- Pull together a free report on how to attract leads on the Internet.

By providing solutions to the problems faced by network marketers, you position yourself as an expert. A subset of these people will reach out to join your Advocare Spark organization.

- Develop Your Own Leads

Build a list of leads by using the internet. Do not merely rely on approaching friends and family. Leads you generate are more likely to join your Advocare Spark business than leads you purchase.

In addition, when you learn to generate leads, you will NEVER find you have no people to talk to about your Advocare Spark business. Here's a simple way to create leads: Provide an effective, ""irresistible"" bonus for your prospects, in exchange for their contact details.

Develop a free training that teaches network marketers how to solve one or more critical business problems. There are many topics to choose from: how to close more, how to generate leads, how to increase duplication and more.

Deliver your free training bonus digitally as a written report, audio recording, email series or video. Include a form on your website where the prospect can enter his contact information in exchange for the training.

You generate a Advocare Spark lead whenever someone enters his/her contact information. Your next step is to develop a relationship with your prospects and eventually introduce them to your Advocare Spark business.

- Leverage The Power Of Follow Up Email

As soon as you create a lead for your Advocare Spark opportunity, call up your lead the same day (if possible, that same hour), while your lead is still fresh. Ask questions to obtain a feel for what your prospect is seeking.|Listen more than you speak. Question the prospect about what it is they're looking for.|Don't talk too much. Instead ask questions and listen to learn what issues and challenges the prospect is facing in his business.|Rather than explaining or talking a lot, simply ask questions about what the prospect is seeking. Listen. Evaluate if this is somebody you want in your Advocare Spark organization.

Complement your phone follow up with automated email marketing. In each email, teach practical skills network marketers can use to build their businesses.

Teach about lead generation, recruiting and retention tactics, or any other pertinent topics. Include a call to action in each email that directs people to the next stage in your sales process for Advocare Spark.

Your email marketing:

- Serves to complement, but not replace, following up by phone

- Is automated marketing that goes to work for you while you do other things

- Gives you a chance to create and deliver a high caliber message about Advocare Spark, every time

You'll want to use an autoresponder that send pre-written emails automatically.

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