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The Do's And Don'ts Of Mobile Design For Web Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

To say that websites have evolved over the past few decades would be an understatement. After all, the days of requiring computers for Internet access are over, as devices like our own phones can be used to check out websites. Mobile design matters, as various website design companies can attest, but you may be curious to know how it can be done the right way. Hopefully the following do's & don'ts will be able to clear the air.

DO keep things simple. The first rule of mobile design is to keep things as simple as possible without compromising what makes your site special. This is one of the many endeavors that a trusted website development company can carry out. By eliminating taxing elements like photos and videos in favor of text, sites will load and function better on various platforms. This is just one of many tips that the likes of Lounge Lizard can offer.

DON'T think that your images shouldn't be scalable. As a matter of fact, in the modern world of web design, keeping your images scalable is essential. Not only does this help the images in question adapt to platforms ranging from computers to tablets, but they help make websites look better as well. When an image extends beyond a site's borders, for example, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Research scalable vector graphics, or SVGs, if you'd like to learn more.

DO include the necessary icons. Another thing to know about mobile design is that icons matter. These small images can be cosmetically pleasing to the eye, but what you may not know is that they make websites easier to use. When moving from page to page can be done by simply tapping on icons, sites aren't as complicated. Anyone that has built a website with mobile capabilities will be able to tell you the same.

DON'T let your mobile site launched without being tested first. No matter how confident you may be in your web design abilities, the margin for error always exists. What this means is that you should focus on testing every element of your mobile site, no matter how small, so that everything runs smoothly. From there, you can launch said site with confidence. The importance of testing, though, cannot be denied.

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